Spent night with 3 top players, then wives, girlfriends sent messages, claims this porn star

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Hungary: Manchester United club of England is counted in the world top club. Here once a footballer has played, then he does not need to earn for life. This club gives so much money and fame. This club buys players from different countries of the world to play football. Now it has come into discussions again, this time not from the game but a porn star has claimed that three players of this club spent the night with her.

After this, the players’ wives and girlfriends are in tense. The porn star also claimed that she is getting calls and messages from players’ wives and girlfriends after that, they are asking was he with you? The name of the porn star is Shona River. The one who hails from Hungary is going to settle in London soon. This 29-year-old porn star has been an engineer’s student. She is in Porn  industry since last years. Shona has shared the information in an interview with Daily Star.

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Shona said that the three players were of different types but they were praising themselves, it seemed as if they were very egoistic people. Calling himself hot. But I didn’t want to annoy them. It doesn’t make any difference to me. Because I have to serve. I am professional. All three players were served through escorts. Shona has claimed so. Shona has more than 1 lakh followers on Instagram.

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