Salute to this Indian Embassy’s Driver also, who drived more than 700 km. to save an Indian, PC Mohan Tweeted

Також вітаю цього водія індійського посольства, який проїхав понад 700 км. щоб врятувати індійця, PC Mohan Tweet

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Delhi: Harjot Singh has reached to his homeland india today. But a person who has contributed to his journey most after bullet injury amid ward between russia and ukraine, is the Driver who is associated with Indian Embassy in Ukraine. Lok Sabha Member of Parliament PC Mohan Tweeted and said “Saluting our indomitable Indian Embassy driver. Indian Embassy driver successfully transferred Harjot (the Indian national who sustained bullet injuries in Kyiv in Ukraine,  over 700 km from Kyiv to Bodomierz border under dangerous circumstances. We are forever in your debt”. PC Mohan is 3rd Term BJP Lok Sabha MP-Bengaluru Central, Member of Parliamentary Committees on External Affairs & Urban Development, 2-Time MLA.

Here is the Tweet of Lok Sabha MP PC Mohan-

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