Rishikesh : THDC India Limited and National Highway Authority of India Signed an MoU for Technical Consultancy

Rishikesh : THDC India Limited (THDCIL) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the National Highways Authority of India (NHAI), Pune for rendering the technical services of THDCIL as the “Technical Consultant” on 24th November ‘2023 at THDC’s, Corporate Office, Rishikesh. R. K. Vishnoi, Chairman and Managing Director, THDC India Limited conveyed that, THDCIL shall render the technical services to suggest cost effective measures for vertical slopes in cut and cover portion of Khambatki Ghat i.e., portal at L/s of Satara end, R/s of Satara end and R/s of Pune end for the construction of new six lane tunnel at Khambatki Ghat section of NH-48 and its approaches from existing 771.730 Km to 782.00 Km in the state of Maharashtra during execution.

Vishnoi further informed that THDCIL will embrace latest technology and methodology, incorporating flexible treatment measures alongside conventional methods to effectively address
site specific challenges along the affected route. This step by THDCIL and NHAI will provide safe
movement of vehicles plying on the NH48 in state of Maharashtra, he added. Atul Jain, ED (Technical) of THDCIL signed the MoU with his counterpart from NHAI, Sanjay Kadam, PD PIU Pune, NHAI. On the occasion, Sanjay Goel – GM (G&G), Sh. Niraj Agrawal-AGM (Design), Amlendu Tripathi -Sr. Manager (G&G), Amit Shyam Gupta-Manager (Design) from THDCIL and Sh. R Sampath Kumar – from NHAI were also present. THDCIL is also providing consultancy services to MoRTH Dehradun, MoRTH – Arunachal Pradesh, MoRTH West Bengal, NHAI J&K for slope mitigation works and, to prevent shooting stones and provide measures for rockfall protection to Shri Mata Vaishnodevi and Amarnath Ji Shrine Boards.