Rishikesh : Nepalifarm flyover’s one side wall tilting, repairing work is in process within a year, many questions raised !
Uttar Pradesh Setu Corporation started the work of repair of flyover

Rishikesh : Its unfortunate that under the widening of the Haridwar-Dehradun highway, the foundation of the flyover built in the Nepali farm Raiwala started responding within a year. Many questions are being raised now. The approach road is continuously sinking, one side wall also has a tilt. The panels (blocks) connected to each other of the approach wall started leaving their places, leaving a huge gap between them. Traffic on this flyover was closed on Sunday. The working organization Uttar Pradesh Setu Corporation has started its repair work. A jack is being used to hold the linter tilted to one side. In fact, there is a danger of wall collapse due to continuous water filling and soil flowing inside the approach road. Earlier, the approach road of this flyover had sunk at many places during the rains on June 18 and August 2, 2021 and January 13 this year. Even then the road was repaired and made walkable. At the same time, it has become clear that there has been a serious mistake somewhere in the construction of this flyover, due to which the apprehensions about the quality have started deepening.

In this regard, according to OP Ram, Assistant Engineer of Setu Corporation, the initial work of this flyover was done by Era Company, then its foundation was not filled properly. The panels have been shaken by the mud flowing. He said that the repair work would be completed in the next three days.