Rishikesh: Mahant Ravi Prapancharya Maharaj of Rishikesh conducted Yoga Pranayama to the devotees at the Vedic Foundation Sadhanalaya Ashram in Hungary in -3 degree temperature

- In Hungary Indian Embassy Consul Shyam Sundar Diwani, all the officers were present with International Saint Swami Shankar Tilak Maharaj
- The team of Tulsi Manas Mandir Mahant gave this information to the journalists in Rishikesh
Rishikesh/Hungary: Mahant Ravi Prapannacharya Maharaj of Tulsi Manas Temple, who went on a spiritual journey from Rishikesh to Europe in the presence of Swami Shankar Tilak Maharaj, the founder president of the Budapest Ashram in Hungary, at the Vedic Foundation Sadhanalay in Tirtha Nagari, told that by presiding over the five-day Yoga Sadhana Camp. International saint Swami Shankar Tilak Maharaj told the importance of Yoga to all the hundreds of devotees who came to him, while explaining its importance, he said that today Yoga is considered as Vishwa Guru in the entire world. We can change our lives through yoga. Maharaj Shri told that there are many benefits of doing yoga. While just doing gym keeps our body healthy, yoga makes our body as well as mind healthy.

Yoga is not only for peace of mind but it also helps in keeping our mind calm. Medical research has shown that yoga helps in maintaining good health both physically and mentally. During the camp today, all the seekers in 3rd degree together did meditation, yoga and pranayama with Mahant Ravi Prapannacharya Maharaj.In which the disciples of Ashram, Swatantrata Chaitanya, Bhairavi Mahakali, Tilak Shankari, Chaitanya Bhagirathi, Chaitanya Sadhvi Mata, Gauri Chaitanya, Advaitananda Saraswati, Guru Geeta, Chandrika Chaitanya etc. did Pranayama Meditation Yoga in 3 degrees. While doing yoga, Mahant Ravi Prapannacharya Maharaj told all the devotees that yoga gives relief from stress and brings better sleep. Increases appetite and digestion. It always keeps the mind calm.
If you include yoga in your daily routine. So you can live a stress free life. Studies show that today every second person is under stress. If you do yoga regularly, there will be energy in your body. Practicing yoga makes the body healthy, because it gives us the strength to fight diseases. Giving the message he said, Yoga is recommended for many other diseases like heart disease, diabetes and asthma. Yoga helps in controlling blood sugar levels. Also relieves respiratory disorders. Therefore, if you do yoga daily, you will remain healthy.