Rishikesh : Day 4 of 35th International Yoga Festival..More than 1500 participants from 90 countries of the world immersed in meditation, yoga, chanting, Vedic knowledge, Ayurveda and music

- G-20, Incredible India, organized under the joint aegis of Ministry of Culture, Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India in collaboration with Ministry of Tourism
- Union Cabinet Minister, Ministry of AYUSH and Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways, Government of India Shri Sarbananda Sonowal bid farewell to Parmarth Niketan after the Yagya
- Spiritual Sessions – Dr. Sadhvi Bhagwati Saraswati, Director of International Yoga Festival, Rev. Michael Beckwith, Founder of Agape International Spiritual Center, California, USA Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa, Dr. Raghavan Ramankutty, Abuelo Antonio Oxte and Dr. Smita address the queries of yoga aspirants
Israeli musician Gil Ran Sama’s music created a buzz
Rishikesh: More than 1500 participants from more than 90 countries are imbibing yoga, meditation, pranayama, Ayurveda, music, Indian philosophy and ways of life on the 4th day of the International Yoga Festival organized at Parmarth Niketan. The divine Ganga Aarti that takes place on the banks of the Ganges at Parmarth Niketan in the evening is a center of divine attraction for all. Here yoga enthusiasts are imbibing Indian philosophy and way of life, Indian food and meditation along with the ancient methods of yoga. Swami Chidanand Saraswati said that Yoga is the happy result of centuries of penance of our sages. Yoga is our heritage which is an invaluable gift to the whole world. Yoga strengthens us not only at the physical level but also at the mental and psychological level, so let’s do yoga and stay healthy. Union Cabinet Minister, Ministry of AYUSH and Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways, Government of India, Sarbananda Sonowal bid farewell to Parmarth Niketan after taking the blessings of Swami after morning Yagya. Expressing happiness, the minister said that after coming to Parmarth Niketan, he saw that yoga seekers from all over the world have come together and are doing yoga with unity and dedication. I was amazed to see the scene here. In fact Parmarth Niketan is doing wonderful work in the field of Yoga. Under the guidance of Swami Chidanand Saraswati, wonderful work is being done for the universality of Yoga. Experienced the blessedness and perfection of life by participating in the Yagya. The heavenly atmosphere here is going to touch the heart and soul.
Sadhvi Bhagwati Saraswati said that complete health does not mean that we do not have fever, virus, bacteria or any other type of infection, that means we are completely healthy. Health means the experience of perfection. Being under stress damages our body, our mind and our heart. He said that Indian ‘Yoga’ is not limited to the asanas performed in studios, but has been refined by sages through their practice and has created a holistic way of life. In the Patanjali Yoga Sutra, Yama, Niyama, Aahara and Vihara have been described excellently, how our food, sleep, wakefulness and our thinking style should be, that is, yoga is not a practice of two or four hours but a complete lifestyle. Reverend Michael Beckwith said that ‘prayer has amazing power, through prayer we can have complete faith in ourselves. In the International Yoga Festival, we can experience the presence of God through yoga. Through yoga, we can keep ourselves stress free by removing stress. You all go back home with your transformed form.

Dr. Raghavan Ramankutty said that Ayurveda is an ancient healing technique. Ayurveda came from the Vedas. Veda is the root of religion and knowledge, Veda is the root of knowledge. He said that Ayurveda has not come from any laboratory but its source is Vedas.Dr. Smita said that our body is our home, so it is necessary to keep it clean and beautiful. Detox for body cleanliness and chemical program for beauty is very important. Abuelo Antonio Oxte said that just as we see a new sun every day at sunrise, we are also new every day. When birds feel the first rays of the sun in the morning, they start singing in gratitude, similarly when we wake up, our first thought should be “thank you”. We need to be consistent with our thoughts, feelings and actions. The day started with Kundalini Sadhana and Naad Yoga by Kundalini Yoga expert Gurushabd Singh Khalsa who came from California at 4:30 am. Tai Chi by Ashtanga Yoga Guru Sandeep Desai and Radiant Body Yoga founder Tai Chi, Full Mind, Body, Energy Activation by Renowned Yogacharya Kia Miller, Body Awareness Sessions by Parmarth Niketan Senior Yogacharya Ganga Nandini, Sunrise by Japan Yoga Teachers Gumi and Arindam Did the practice of Naad Yoga.Living effortlessly in the present moment by Rohini Manohar, Founder, Chennai Yoga Studio Renowned Yoga Teacher Erica Kauffman Pennsylvania, USA Practices Leela Yoga Vinyasa, Awakening Love to Share and Feel, for an expanded experience of joy and ease.
Stewart Gilchrist guides participants to practice yoga to live a conscious life with positive energy and the power of love, based on the teachings of BKS Iyengar and the philosophy of classical yoga of Patanjali and Vinyasa system of T. Krishnamacharya of Mysore ‘Yoga Tree’ – The Trunk Organized Off Niyama. Peaceful Actions, Prana, Meditation The Keys to the Kingdom by Recovery 2.0 Founder Tommy Rosen, Session titled ‘Caliber of Life’ moderated by Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa, USA.Vishwambhar Sheth, an international kirtan-singer, explained the art and technique of kirtan to the participants. Dr. Raghavan Ramankutty and Sharda Raghavan explained the importance of sattvic and well organized food. The main reason for the diseases happening at present depends on our food and the way of consuming it. Ayurveda contains the knowledge of healthy food through which life can be rejuvenated. A yoga therapy exercise on spine problems, low back pain, slipped disc and scoliosis by Mohan Bhandari, scholar of BKS Iyengar and co-founder and director of Yogic Yoga in China. Maria Alejandra Avacharian, an Ayurvedic Medicine Therapist, spoke about the impact of diet, mantra, meditation and yoga on life, the effects of the five elements on the mind, and the promotion of mental and emotional health. Andrea Carani of London practiced meditation.
Swami Swatvananda, a scholar of Hatha Yoga, Meditation, Astrology, Ayurveda, Vastu, Sanskrit, Veda and Vedanta, discussed Harmonic Balance for the health of human and environment during the session ‘Ayurveda – Harmonic Balance between Human and Environment’. , Classical osteopath and sound practitioner Joseph Schmidlin pioneered the practice of therapeutic sound baths.’Detox and Renew – Secrets to Anti Aging’ by Dr. Smita, Woman Entrepreneur and Co-Founder of Ayushakti, provided insight into the powerful principles of detox. Along with this, he also discussed how to take care of the skin in old age.Lifestyle Medicine Master Andrea Paige teaches you how to hack flexibility and master physical posture.Gurnimit Singh gave an excellent presentation of Kirtan giving the message of unity in diversity through Gurbani Kirtan ceremony. The mesmerizing music was presented by noted music maestro Gil Ron Shama. Yogis are imbibing each and every moment everyday with the message of universal peace, unity in diversity, Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam through music.