Prime Minister Trudeau imposed emergency in Canada

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Canada: Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said he has used emergency powers to deal with protests by truck drivers and others who have paralyzed Ottawa and disrupted cross-border traffic against COVID-19 restrictions. Trudeau ruled out the possibility of using the military and said on Monday that the emergency measures would be taken “for a fixed time frame, applied on a geographical basis and proportionate to the threat to which they are implemented.” be implemented in a logical and rational manner.

Trudeau has so far rejected calls for the military to be called in to clear the protesters. He, however, said that all other “options have been looked into”. Thousands of protesters in trucks and other vehicles have blocked the streets of Ottawa for the past two weeks. These protesters are protesting the necessity of getting the Covid-19 vaccine and other restrictions imposed due to the pandemic. A convoy of trucks has blocked the Ambassador Bridge connecting Windsor in Ontario with the US city of Detroit, disrupting imports and exports of auto parts and other products between the two countries.

Justin Trudeau said during the farmers’ protests in India, ‘I will be sorry if I do not speak on the news coming from India about the farmers’ protests. The situation is worrying. We are deeply concerned about all the family and friends. We know this is a reality for many of you. Let me remind you, Canada will always stand up for defending the rights of peaceful protesters. We believe in the process of negotiation. We have reached out to the Indian authorities through multiple channels to highlight our concerns. This is a moment for all of us to come together.”

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