New Zealand: Its baby girl for New Zealand MP, reached hospital by cycling during labor pain

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New Zealand :Its amazing !! MP Julie Anne Genter did such an act on Sunday (28 November), which everyone was surprised to hear. Actually, Julie Anne Genter was pregnant and suddenly on Sunday she started having labor pains. In such a situation, she reached the hospital on her bicycle and after about an hour gave birth to the baby girl. After this, he told about the whole incident through social media.

According to the information, New Zealand MP Julie Anne Genter made a post on Facebook on Sunday. After reading this, everyone started saluting his courage. Julie wrote, ‘This morning at 3:04 am a new guest arrived in our family. I had never even planned that I would have to cycle during labor pain, but I had to do it.

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Genter wrote on Facebook, ‘When we left the house at 2 in the morning to go to the hospital, I was not in much pain. At that time there was a wave of pain at an interval of 2-3 minutes, but after some time the pain started increasing. However, now we have a healthy baby girl who has gone to her father.

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Genter has the citizenship of both New Zealand and America. Actually, she was born in Minnesota, USA and moved to New Zealand in 2006. It is worth noting that Gentor is the spokesperson of his party in matters of transport. He has written in his Facebook profile that he loves cycling. According to local media, in 2018, when she gave birth to her first child, she still reached the hospital on a bicycle.

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