MoU signed between Sridev Suman Uttarakhand University and Cancer Research and Care Association (CRCA) 

The researchers and medical lab technology students of the university will get benefit from this MoU :VC

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New Delhi/Rishikesh/Tehri : (Manoj Rautela) Indeed its good news for the Sridev Suman University’s Students of Uttarakhand. … Cancer Research and Care Association on a Memorandum of Understanding between Cancer Research and Care Association (CRCA) and Sridev Suman Uttarakhand University, Badshahithoul, Tehri Garhwal.

During an international workshop at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi today. Founder of Cancer Research and Care Association (FCRCA) and  Former Vice Chancellor of J.N.U. and currently Professor of Oncology, N.U.K.  Prof. Dr. Rana Pratap Singh,  and Prof. Sridev Suman, Director of Research and Development, Uttarakhand University. Gulshan Kumar Dhingra signed as the university representative.

Vice Chancellor of Sri Dev Suman University, Prof. N.  Joshi expressed happiness over this achievement. He said that the researchers and medical lab technology students of the university will get benefit from this MoU, he requested the CRCA officials to open Uttarakhand chapter with Sridev Suman Uttarakhand University, Dr. Dhingra said that with this MoU, the students of our campus Will play an important role in the society under the guidance of CRCA regarding cancer awareness and research. On this occasion, CRCA founder Prof. Rana Pratap Singh expressed happiness and said that there are many possibilities on cancer research in Devbhoomi Uttarakhand, there are many such herbs in Uttarakhand which can overcome deadly diseases like cancer, the researchers of Uttarakhand will benefit from this. On this occasion, Director of University Campus Rishikesh, Prof. Mahavir Singh Rawat, Dean of Arts Prof. D.C. Goswami, Dean of Commerce, Prof. Kanchanalata Sinha, Dean Student Welfare Prof. All the members of the campus including Prashant Singh expressed happiness on the MoU. On behalf of CRCA, . former Dean of Institute of Environmental Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi Prof Pol Raj was  present.  Besides it, Prof. Rupesh Chaturvedi and other students of the Department of Biotechnology were also present.

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