Lions Club Rishikesh Divine Organized a Blood donation camp at Ananda Hotel and Resort located in Narendra Nagar
Rishikesh: Lions Club Rishikesh Divine organized a blood donation camp at famous Ananda Hotel and Resort located in Narendra Nagar. In which 58 people registered, out of which 52 people were found eligible to donate blood, who donated blood. Rishikesh based Club founder Lalit Mohan Mishra said that the good thing in today’s camp was that not a single woman complained of anemia, it is usually seen that women have this deficiency. Mishra also said that the problem of dengue increases during the rainy season, there is a great shortage of blood in the blood cells, in such a situation, organizing a blood donation camp in a hotel like Ananda will also inspire other organizations.
Ananda’s GM Aniket Sarkar said that the guests and staff coming to the hotel are asked to lead a systematic life, this is the result of that that all the staff of the hotel are healthy. The 6 people whose blood was not taken, had the reason of getting tattoos etc. Dr Dushyant Singh Gaur, Dr Manish Raturi of Himalayan Institute Hospital Jolly Grant told that according to the ordinance of the Uttarakhand government, a campaign is going on to collect blood for thalassemia patients as well, and the said blood is given free of cost to thalassemia patients. On this occasion, President La. Vinod Bisht, La. Vineet Chawla, Treasurer La. Shivam Agarwal, La. Mahesh Kinger, Gajendra Singh Choudhary, Manmohan, program coordinator Priya Gandhi and Uma Kinger were present.