Delhi: Video from inside the flight: Indian Ambassador to Romania Rahul Srivastava released this video, said- remember the day of 26 February
Дели: Видео изнутри рейса: посол Индии в Румынии Рахул Шривастава опубликовал это видео, сказав: «Помните день 26 февраля»

Delhi: Video from inside the flight: Indian Ambassador to Romania Rahul Srivastava released this video, said- remember the day of 26 February

Delhi: Indian Ambassador to the country of Romania, Rahul Srivastava (Indian Ambassador) has released this video, said- Remember the day of 26 February. Inside the flight, everyone’s face was relaxed, they came out. From the middle of the war…..
Watch video –
Photograph from the inside of the flight-