Delhi:  Chief Economist Gita Gopinath gets promotion, Now, she will the First Deputy Managing Director of IMF

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New Delhi:  Another Indian have achieved top posts. This time its about powerful IMF. Indian American Gita Gopinath will be the First Deputy Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund. She will replace Geoffrey Okamoto.

It was told by the International Monetary Fund on Thursday that Okamota would step down soon, after which Geeta Gopinath would take over in his place. She was till now working as the Chief Economist at the International Monetary Fund. Gopinath, who has been working as Chief Economist at the International Monetary Fund for three years, was due to resume academic work at Harvard University in January 2022, but was promoted to First Deputy Managing Director.

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Kristalina Geogravia, Managing Director, International Monetary Fund said, “Gita Gopinath was the first woman Chief Economist, we are delighted that she will continue her services and will now serve as First Deputy Managing Director.

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