Delhi: Atma Ram Sanatan Dharma Mahavidyalaya of DU Celebrated the Foundation Day, Lok Sabha MP Dr. Ashok Yadav was the Chief Guest

Delhi: The 63rd Foundation Day of Atma Ram Sanatan Dharma Mahavidyalaya (ARSD) (University of Delhi) at Dhaulakuan was celebrated in the college premises today. Lok Sabha member Ashok Yadav joined as the chief guest and enhanced the dignity of the foundation day. On this occasion, MP Dr. Ashok Yadav said that “I thank him from the bottom of my heart for giving me the opportunity to come to my own college. I am back at home again. Today I can also proudly say that the college from which I studied is ranked on seventh in the country. While congratulating you all on the foundation day, I would like to salute the founders of this college who have done great things. Keeping the ideals in mind, the college was established and gave a chance to all of us to earn here that capital of knowledge, which cannot be taken away or stolen from us. I also bow to that soil of the college. Coming in whose courtyard I learned all that I am doing in my life today.
I am happy to know that Atma Ram Sanatan Dharma Mahavidyalaya is continuously developing in every field. I am hopeful that our college will become the number one college of India in the coming time. He called upon all the members of the college community that in the seventy-five year of independence, we should all take a pledge that we will all try to make India the first place in the world. While addressing the students, he also said that the country and society Try to understand and understand through practical knowledge not only on the basis of bookish knowledge, so that your knowledge will be useful with you in the development of large rural population of the country.

Principal of the college Prof. Gyantosh Kumar Jha while welcoming all the guests said that 63 years ago, to remember the sacrifice and penance of the people who came to India from Pakistan as a migrant and established this college to spread education in the society. This is the opportunity. I express my heartfelt gratitude to them. It is the result of the teachers and staff who contributed in the last 63 years that today this college has reached this point. He said that any institution is not made only by the building but by the living people working in them, their work needs to be remembered. Taking the seventh rank to the college as a challenge, he said that we have to go further and Believe that one day we will be able to get the number one rank for the college. For this all the members of the college will have to work together in this collective effort. On this occasion, the President of the college governing body Pawan Jaggi said that today the All India Ranking of the college is at 7th position. It is good to see the college progressing continuously and all the professors, staff and former and present students deserve congratulations for this. On this occasion, the Treasurer of the College Governing Body, Prof. Prem Lal Uniyal, President of College Alumni Association JS Arya also expressed his views.
At the beginning of the program a brief tableau of the history of the college was presented and the college handbook was released. On this occasion, former teachers and non-teaching staff of the college, Dr. ML Malik, K. L. Kanda and Usha Gupta, Nandram, Murlidhar etc. were honored. The vote of thanks was done by Ajit Kumar, the convener of the program and conducted by Dr. Rosie Sinha and Dr. Anjali Gupta.