Condom is not completely safe, there is a fear of getting pregnant

In general, men do not like to use condoms during sex. In such a situation, women have to take birth control pills after sex, due to which the number of women has to deal with many health problems.

If women do not take birth control pills after sex, they become stressed because of the fear of getting pregnant. Understanding these needs of women and men, today we are going to tell you some such ways of having sex without condom, after adopting which you can get rid of this stress. In these ways, you will be able to enjoy sex without a condom and also stay away from the fear of pregnancy. These tips are more beneficial for those who are allergic to condoms or those who do not like to use condoms. Although condoms are promoted for safe sex around the world, according to a survey by the Surgeon General of the United States, every year 10 to 15 percent of cases in which condom rupture ends safety. With this research a big question arises, is safe sex really safe? The use of contraceptives such as condoms is recommended to avoid sexually transmitted diseases, but condom rupture cases call this advice into question.
Gynecologists say that the best way to avoid sexually transmitted diseases is to abstain from sex. No method gives a 100% guarantee of security. That is, if you talk about safe sex, then there is no such contraceptive which can give you complete protection.